Totally unexpected and totally loving. I cried. I cried. I cried. And smiled. It couldn't be more perfect, and not with better timing. Mandy sent me love. And yarn. And two books. It's so awesome I can't find words. There is Koigo in luscious greens - so soft! So lovely! There is Indiecita Alpaca in a turquoise and one in black, and guess what? I had already bought two skeins of Indiecita Alpaca, but in reds! Yarn telepathy, that's what it is. And that tagliatelle ribbon thingie! The colors! The fun! The beauty! I love, love, love it! Then there is lots of the soft Araucania of the same sort Mandy used for my Flower Basket Shawl - Will I now make matching gauntlets in all those forest green nuances? Who knows? I'll take my time just fondling these treasures, planning, scheming for their destined projects.
Mandy wrote me that every new knitter needs to be encouraged with gifts. I feel encouraged not only to continue knitting, but to buy my tickets to go to Canada and hug this wonderful woman! Thank you so much Mandy! I can't even begin to tell you...
The colors, the textures, the love implied. And those books... Just having flipped through them I see help has come my way! You, Mandy, are truly awesome. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
And people: I officially have a yarn stash.