Sunday, April 22, 2007


I promised Jodi I'd tell you all about how I wear my buttons. I have tons, but I've chosen a composition which I update to and fro (very Carrie Bradshaw somehow). This started with the same Jodi sending me some gorgeous ones she'd made quite a while back now, and those are still some of the absolute favorites. These are the buttons I wear and how I wear them on a certain cardi, or as today on a certain "hug my fat-top" that I so like.

I hope you recognize the little figure at the top - it's my own. Next to it is a black and white button from the Architecture Museum in Stockholm. It's a pattern taken from the facade of a building in Jönköping (a Swedish town). Below that is a pink pig with the word "sötgris" (cute pig) under it. It's a gift from one of my best friends and the cute pig is me. Next to that is a green map, composed onto a button by Jodi (She has to tell you in a comment why the green map). This one I occasionally switch to a knitting pattern template-button also made by Jodi. Then it's the other Jodi-button where the word Knit is in a classic tattoo-heart. A button like this has been featured in a knitting mag (Knit 1. Go Jodi!) and all my knitting pals envy this one so much. All that's left is the broche from grandma. It's probably from the 20s and the design is so... so... ME!

There. All buttoned up.

I'll try

Writing in this blog has been difficult for many many reasons lately (or for the past year) and I will not write about them all. But This is a promise of an attempt to write some in English again. Two people have wished so the last few days and who am I to argue with people I admire myself!
Today is the first day of the rest of my blog.