It has begun.
Somehow that's how it feels, after years of worry, insecurity, project hopping and the feeling of never doing enough... I just landed a PhD position at my old university. I get paid to research the subject I consider
my speciality for the next five years.
It's amazing.
I have a desk, keys to a room, a computer, login for a computer system, keycard... In my world all these things tell me that I belong somewhere. I've found a place that is all mine.
My research will be along the lines of making the democracy process and citizen involvement smoother, more natural and more influencial when planning new housing projects. I've only read stuff for two days, and I haven't exactly narrowed it down to a descriptive title yet, but let's just say it's right up my alley! Architecture when it best benefits the ones using it, rather than the ones designing it or discussing it, you might say.
I haven't been this hungry for more or inspired by something for a looong time!